UniSA Confirms Solar Batteries Are A Good Deal

UniSA has officially confirmed that batteries are not only the future of household energy, they are most certainly financially viable in South Australia. Click to read more and view the Channel 9 Adelaide news story.
New research this week coming out of the University of South Australia (UniSA) has officially confirmed that batteries are not only the future of household energy in Australia, they are most certainly financially viable in South Australia.

With any emerging technology that challenges the status quo, critics tend to follow. In the case of household batteries, the debate has mostly surrounded financial viability – that is, do batteries make financial sense?

Recent research by UniSA’s revealed that yes, it most certainly is. Check out the study on 9 News Adelaide earlier this week.

But, here’s the best part – this study was conducted on the average price of household battery being $9,000. At ShineHub, our community solar programs make top quality solar affordable for all Australians – our average price on the same type of battery is around $7,000 as part of the South Australia Home Battery Program.

If the study concluded that $9,000 was considered ‘viable’, $7,000 should be considered a steal!

But, we get it, any cost in its thousands will always be a blow to the household budget. That’s why we’ve introduced some great ‘zero upfront’ payment options. You can read more about those here.

The UniSA research focused on the financials, but the benefits go far beyond just that. Solar and battery systems allow you to power your life with sunshine with a cleaner, cheaper and far more reliable option than buying dirty energy from the grid.

On top of that, you can use your battery power to keep your food fresh and lights on during a blackout while being able to participate in the game changing virtual power plants that are being created throughout the state.

Solar and batteries are officially a no-brainer – it’s never been easier to simultaneously control your cost of living expenses, do your part to reduce your environmental impact, and lead the way into a 100% renewable energy future for Australia.

But don’t take our word for it – click here to read about 3 South Australians getting amazing results with their solar panel + battery systems.

Want to see what a battery can do for you? Click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our solar experts.

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