Environmental Policy

ShineHub aspires to minimise its impact on our environment and maximise the effective use of resources. We strive to achieve this by increasing communication and awareness of our efforts in accordance with this policy and fostering responsible environmental behaviour amongst our workers and industry colleagues at all levels. 

ShineHub is committed to minimising environmental risks, hazards and impacts through effectively implementing our Environmental Management System to continually improve our environmental performance both within our own operations and to the broader communities within which we operate. ShineHub integrates a philosophy of environmental sustainability into all of the organisation’s activities and promotes sound environmental practice in all of our operations in order to:

  • Comply with all legal, statutory and regulatory requirements, local council development application consent conditions and any additional customer requirements relating to the environment;
  • Conform with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and other relevant Standards;
  • Ensure that the Environmental Management System is fit for purpose;
  • Protect the environment, prevent pollution and minimise carbon footprint;
  • Respond promptly to any emergency situation which could cause adverse environmental impacts; 
  • Support the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development; and
  • Ensure the responsible use of energy and other resources throughout the organisation.

Environmental compliance will be regularly reviewed.  We aim to prevent problems from occurring and promote environmental responsibility and awareness within and outside the business together with continuous improvement towards best practice in environmental management.

Appropriate training and instruction shall be provided to ensure that project workers are encouraged to offer suggestions about how environmental protection measures can be improved.  Such suggestions will be assessed by Company management and implemented as appropriate.

ShineHub’ Business Management System Manual includes its detailed environmental objectives and targets. The Objectives and Targets are reviewed annually during the Management Review Meeting. This ensures that the environmental objectives are established and that they are in line with the context and strategic direction of the organisation.