VPP Offers – Terms and Conditions


1.1 This VPP Offers – Terms and Conditions (“ Special Deal ”) is a part of the Pow ow Energy Renewable Energuard Product Agreement (“ Energuard Agreement ”).

1.2 In this Special Deal, we will refer to:

(a)GTL Renewable Pty Ltd A.C.N. 605 007 350 t/as Powow Energy as “ Powow Energy ”; and

(b)The customer named under the Powow Energy Renewable Energuard Product Agreement as “ you ”.

1.3This Special Deal is only applicable to eligible Energuard Agreement entered into after 9 March 2020 in the State of South Australia.

1.4Please refer to your Quotation for the specific amount for “Normal Monthly Rate”; “Discounted Monthly Rate”; “Community VPP Discount”; “Community VPP Offer Limit”, and “VPP Payment Rate”;

1.5Any rate referred to in this Agreement is inclusive of GST.


2.Precondition of Special Deal

2.1This Special Deal is not applicable unless and until:

You enter into a Virtual Power Plant Services Agreement (“ VPP Services Agreement ”) with Shine Hub Pty Ltd A.C.N. 614 356 302 (“ Shine Hub ”) to provide you with Virtual Power Plan Services;


3. Selection between Offers

3.1 You may select between the following two offers:

(a)ShireHub – Approved Retailer Offer; or

(b)ShineHub – Community VPP Offer.

3.2If you select the ShineHub – Approved Retailer Offer:

(a)you must enter into an Electricity Retail Agreement (“ Retail Agreement ”) and a VPP Service Agreement with a retailer approved by Shine Hub (“ Approved Retailer ”) to provide electricity retail and VPP services;

(b)the Retail Agreement and the VPP Service Agreement must also be approved by Shine Hub; and

(c)Subject to the satisfaction of Clause 3.2(a) and (b), Powow Energy will charge you Discounted Monthly Rate instead of Normal Monthly Rate.

3.3If you select the Shine Hub Community VPP Offer:

(a)you may enter into electricity retailer agreement with any retailers;

(b)the Community VPP Discount will be applied to the Normal Monthly Rate each month;

(c)Shine Hub will be entitled to send electricity from your battery to the grid without payment to you up to the Community VPP Off er Limit; and

(d)If Shine Hub sends more than electricity from your battery to the grid than the Community VPP Offer Limit in that month, then Shine Hub will pay you for the part exceeding Community Offer Limit at the VPP Payment Rate.


4.Switch between Offers

4.1You may, by written notice to Shine Hub, switch between the Shine Hub – Approved Retailer Offer and the Shine Hub Community VPP Offer. The new offer will become effective from your next billing cycle.


5.Ending of Special Deal

(a)If you select the ShineHub – Approved Retailer Offer, Powow Energy will start to charge you Normal Monthly Rate, where you:

(i)cease to engage Shine Hub or Approved Retailer for the provision of VPP services or electricity retail services;

(ii)engage a VPP service provide or electricity retailer other than Shine Hub or an Approved Retailer;

(iii)you breach the conditions of either the VPP Services Agreement or the Retail Agreement; or

(iv)you breach the Energuard Agreement.

(b)If you select the ShineHub – Community VPP Offer, Powow Energy will start to charge you Normal Monthly Rate, where you:

(i)Allow the retailer to control your battery for the purpose of providing VPP Services;

(ii)you breach the conditions of either the VPP Services Agreement; or

(iii)you breach the Energuard Agreement.


6.Calculation of Buy Out Charge

For the avoidance of any doubt, your buy out charge under the EnerGuard Agreement will be based on the Normal Monthly Rate, instead of Discounted Monthly Rate under this Special Deal and no credit allowed will be included in the calculation of Buy Out Charge