Safety Policy

ShineHub aspires to Zero Harm and will strive to ensure that all our employees work in an appropriately safe and healthy workplace whilst promoting sustainable safety, health and environmental practices. 

Company Commitment  

We will strive to: 

  • Assess risks and plan work activities to eliminate or control foreseeable hazards or risks including design process;
  • Comply with relevant legislation, regulations, Codes of Practice, ISO 45001:2018 and other Standards, as well as any other health and safety requirements applicable to our business or to which we subscribe,
  • Establish measurable objectives and targets for continuous improvement, aimed at elimination of work-related injury or illness;
  • Consult with employees and disseminate WH&S information to interested parties;
  • Maintain the workplace in a safe condition;
  • Maintain plant and machinery in a safe condition;
  • Provide appropriate instruction, consultation and training for workers;
  • Provide adequate facilities for all workers at the office and project sites;
  • improve our OH&S Management System and ensure fit for purpose.

Company Responsibility

We believe that all injuries can be prevented. Every ShineHub employee has a personal responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy workplace and we must comply with this policy and company procedures. 

Senior management will implement and communicate this policy to all our employees, contractors and visitors across all business projects. 

This policy will be reviewed and revised where necessary to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to ShineHub’s company’s activities.